
Get it 👇

Drag the link below to the bookmarks/favorites bar at the top of your browser window. That's it — you're ready to roll!

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Use it

Expand the toot you wish to share in the Mastodon web interface on your instance while logged in, in either the classic view or the advanced view. Then click the bookmarklet in your bookmark/favorites bar.

A new tab should open showing the composer, pre-populated with the text from the toot you want to share. You can add a content warning and make any other edits needed (such as shortening the toot text to allow space for the content warning within the character limit) and then publish, within a few seconds — or take as long as you want!

Please note that when you publish, the toot will be posted from your account. (You are not editing the original toot in any way.)


Ever seen an important toot you'd like to boost, but noticed it didn't have a content warning and wished you could add one? Frustrating, isn't it?

Content warnings are a great way to let your followers and others who may see your toots decide whether they want to engage with that content when it appears in their feed. They allow people to choose how and when they engage with challenging content, whatever it may be, and ultimately keep people engaged by allowing them to follow their feeds without distress.

But manually reposting toots with content warnings is time consuming.

This bookmarklet aims to help, by copying the content of an existing toot into the composer, with a link to the original post and a credit to the poster, so you can add your own content warning and just hit "Publish".