Class OAuthListener


public class OAuthListener extends Object
Operates a minimal HTTP server on the local machine for the duration of OAuth authorization of the tool by a Mastodon instance, passing the callback code collected via an OAuth callback (from a browser on that machine) to the instantiated Authenticator singletone object.

The HTTP server is then shut down and the code is used by the Authenticator to obtain an access token that grants access to user-level API methods on the Mastodon instance.

By default, the HTTP server is bound to port 8081 (this is specified within Authenticator) but can be bound to a different port as needed. If a custom port is used, credentials are not saved.

Uses the singleton model, as only one OAuthListener should be instantiated at a time. Synchronized methods will be synchronized on the singleton object (because there is only ever one).

Also defines inner class OAuthListener.OAuthRequestHandler that implements the HttpHandler interface to handle inbound HTTP requests in a separate thread. It is within this inner class that the HTML to be displayed in the browser after OAuth authorization is defined.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected static OAuthListener
    getInstance(int port)
    Obtains a reference to the currently instantiated OAuthListener singleton object, or instantiates one if that has not already been done using the port specified.
    protected void
    Halts the HTTP server, allowing some time for the shutdown process to complete and then releasing resources that had been allocated to it.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      protected static OAuthListener getInstance(int port) throws IOException
      Obtains a reference to the currently instantiated OAuthListener singleton object, or instantiates one if that has not already been done using the port specified.

      If the currently instantiated singleton is bound to a port different to the one specified, it is shutdown and restarted on the specified port.

      port - the TCP port on the local machine on which to bind the singleton OAuthListener
      a singleton instance of OAuthListener bound to the port specified

      IOException - (TODO: add more info here on when this happens)
    • shutdown

      protected void shutdown()
      Halts the HTTP server, allowing some time for the shutdown process to complete and then releasing resources that had been allocated to it.
